Beeldende kunstenaars / Respect / Vlaanderen 2011
08.09.2011 - 08.09.2011
Anouk De Clercq, Joost Declercq, Phillip Van den Bossche, Jan Van Imschoot, Barbara De Coninck, Luc Tuymans, Saskia Draxler, Stella Lohaus, Gert Verhoeven, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Marc Ruyters, Luc Deleu / T.O.P. office, Ulrike Lindmayr, Hans Op De Beeck, Dorian van der Brempt, Wim De Temmerman, Guillaume Bijl, Bart De Baere, Chantal De Smedt
On 8 september 2011, artist rights advocator NICC, the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp , M HKA and membership organization for visual art organizations , VOBK organize a series of 3 panel discussion in which artist, critics and collectors adress pressing and topical questions about artists and art heritage , about artists and the art world and artists and the public respect.
cinema zuid