Leila Peacock
26.03.2021 - 30.04.2021
Leila Peacock
vitrine presentation THE POINT
Friday the 26th of March 6pm, Rue Lambert Crickx 1 Brussels
Painted directly on the glass of the vitrine this diagram guides the eye into a descant of many possible conclusions. Helpful hands and thing-shaped thoughts point you towards productive uncertainties with gleeful incongruity. We are all susceptible to being susceptible in this whatever-ending story.
Leila Peacock (b.1981, UK) is an artist and essayist who lives and works in Zürich. Drawing essays and writing cartoons, she creates large-scale hand-drawn installations that oscillate between the poetic, the comical, and the diagrammatic, populated by a maniacal marginalia used to embody thought-forms.
26/03/2021 – 30/04/2021
Rue Lambert Crickx 1 1070 Brussels