Leopoldstraat 55, Antwerp
After two years, our residency on the sixth floor of the M HKA has come to an end.
Now, besides having our ‘Vitrine’ in Brussels, we also have our own space in Antwerp (Leopoldstraat 55), named BOTANICC. The space will not only be used for exhibitions, lectures, debates but will also serve as the NICC headquarters, with a public NICC archive.
The current corona measures do not allow us to receive people in BOTANICC, so an opening is still out of the question for the next few months. We will use the space in an innovative way, making use of the vitrine to organize exhibitions that will be visible 24/7.
The past weeks we have been working in the space, installing everything and getting it ready. We are proud to announce that the first exhibition ‘Ticker Tape’ in BOTANICC will start on Sunday the 21st of February, more info will follow very soon!
BOTANICC is ‘open’ when an event is organized in the space, these will be announced on our social media (Instagram and Facebook), website, and mailing.
We hope to see you all there soon